Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How To "Achieve Greatness Through Humility"

== Steps ==

# Don't just be yourself, you have to learn to 'Be Your Good Self'."

# Mind your speech; words can build you or ruin you.

# Love yourself but don't get carried away with 'self'.

# Respect others but be mindful that you don't loose your self-worth.

# 'Stop wishing for' and 'Start willing to' change.

# Judging others gives us more enemies. So, choose to Love instead!

# Humility is not stupidity, don't play dumb when your integrity is at stake.

# Mean it when you say 'I'm Sorry'. Say it only when you need to, not when you feel like.

# Be determined to do it right even when there are unfavorable consequence. It will pay off later.

# Think differently. You don't always have to follow the crowd.

# Cultivate a regular 'Self-Check' or 'Self-Evaluation Habit' in order to know your wins and losses.

# Create time for mentorship. Learn from those who have been to where you are going.

# Reference GOD as you walk along. I am not preaching religion but the truth for me is that GOD does intervenes in the affairs of men.

Ebenezer Olasunkanmi AKINRINADE

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


"Language is communication. Communication is about meaning. When meaning is lost, communication becomes useless." ~E..O. Akinrinade

Maybe you are the next orator the world is waiting for. Maybe you are already preparing yourself for an opportunity to deliver that eloquent and powerful speech. Then, wait and read!

Sometimes, we have the Right Message, the Right Audience but we end up using a Bad Language. Bad language not in terms of rudeness or correctness in pronounciation, but to speak in the tongues of elite to a locally educated gathering is nothing but error.

Don't get carried away by how smooth and sweet your message is without asking the question "will my audience understand?"

Communication is not complete until the message is understood.

Although the message is attributed to you but the truth is, it belongs to your audience. So, put them in mind as you prepare for that great speech.

I wish you a beautiful future on this road you have chosen to venture.

Sweet Regards!

Ebenezer O. Akinrinade (gent2smile)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


This is a letter to you, our great champions to whom the future belongs.

Some things are facts but they are not the whole truth. So be very careful not to let anyone or the circumstances that you are going through deceive you.

Yes!, it's true that you are young. But no-one is ever too young to do great and mighty things.

Yes!, you are small. But the Holy Book said, "it is not by power nor by might", which means your size or height doesn't matter.

Yes!, you have disabilities. But have you ever read about Helen Keller, Yinka Ayefele, Stevie Wonder, Cobhams Asuquo, etc, go and read about them and soon you will realise that to have LIFE and BREATHE is all the ABILITY that you need to make the difference.

Yes!, your parents ain't so rich. But that's why every child is said to be a GIFT and a BLESSING from GOD. That is to say, your primary assignment is to add value and be a source of blessing to your immediate family.

Yes!, I know you have many things to complain about like bad governance, unemployment, poor economic state, and etc, but wait a minute, do you know that problems are meant to be solved by those who desire success and work for it?

Imagine our world today without the advancements in science & technology, media, sport, art, etc., many of the milestone achievements made in this fields were brought about by men like you and me.


* Don't let anyone talk you down.
* Never you accept failure as you birth-right.
* Don't be too shy to ask questions when you are not clear.
* Don't feel intimidated by other people's success.
* Don't ever submit to the opinion, idea, suggestion or people that says you are good for nothing.

Always remember that "No-One is Good For Nothing" except for those who think they are.


Authored by:
(Written Date: May 31, 2010)

Friday, July 2, 2010


Come with me to a third grade classroom.....

There is a nine-year-old kid sitting at his desk and all of a sudden, there is a puddle between his feet and the front of his pants are wet. He thinks his heart is going to stop because he cannot possibly imagine how this has happened.

It's never happened before, and he knows that when the boys find out he will never hear the end of it. When the girls find out, they'll never speak to him again as long as he lives.

The boy believes his heart is going to stop; he puts his head down and prays this prayer,
~ "Dear God, this is an emergency! I need help now!" ~

Five minutes from now I'm dead meat. He looks up from his prayer and here comes the teacher with a look in her eyes that says he has been discovered. As the teacher is walking toward him, a class mate named Susie is carrying a goldfish bowl that is filled with water. Susie trips in front of the teacher and inexplicably dumps the bowl of water in the boy's lap. The boy pretends to be angry, but all the while is saying to himself, 'Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!'

Now all of a sudden, instead of being the object of ridicule, the boy is the object of sympathy. The teacher rushes him downstairs and gives him gym shorts to put on while his pants dry out. All the other children are on their hands and knees cleaning up around his desk.

The sympathy is wonderful.

But as life would have it, the ridicule that should have been his has been transferred to someone else - Susie. She tries to help, but they tell her to get out. You've done enough, you klutz!'

Finally, at the end of the day, as they are waiting for the bus, the boy walks over to Susie and whispers, "You did that on purpose, didn't you?" Susie whispers back, "I wet my pants once too."

May God help us see the opportunities that are always around us to do good...

Remember.... Just going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car. Each and everyone one of us is going through tough times right now, but God is getting ready to bless you in a way that only He can.

Keep the faith.

~~Author unknown